Learn the rules like a pro
Learn the rules like a pro
so you can break them like an artist
so you can break them like an artist

Let's invent a better future

"The future cannot be predicted, but futures can be invented." Dennis Gabor
We believe there are just two possibilities for us: EITHER to wait passively for others to sell us a more gadgety version of the present mess labelled as "the future," OR to proactively invent a future that works for us and for the upcoming generations. In Notans we selected the latter.
We are dedicated to joining forces with those who can imagine such a future, can invent it, can lead others into it, and can change currently ineffective whatever we have.

The name Notans is inspired by a Japanise design concept that involves carving and folding dark blocks to let light pass across them and create harmonious compositions of art and imagery.

To play with a different set of rules

we have kept our strongest tools

Strategic management for designing health creating workplaces rather than just wealth generating businesses

Empowering organizations and communities with revolutionary tools and methods to be more resourceful, more impactful, healthier and happier actors of a thriving society. Services include:
  • Strategy development
  • Health and asset mapping
  • Community building

Business planning and modeling for sustaining social enterprises rather than simply producing profiteer companies

Equipping social entrepreneurs and graduate students with business acumen to translate their social innovations and research into sustainable, constructive and impactful outcomes. Services include:
  • Social business model design
  • Business plan development
  • Investor/donor connection

Implementation science for creating sustainable pandemics of health rather than only spreading temporary tools and gadgets

Assisting communities and organizations to access the required knowledge, develop evidence-informed solutions, and successfully implement them to tackle wicked problems in the world. Services include:
  • Social network analysis
  • Realist evaluation
  • System dynamics simulation

Data management for expanding human wisdom rather than just optimizing artificial intelligence

Helping organizations and communities become wiser by understanding data, designing and implementing data-driven organizational learning programs, and igniting positive changes. Services include:
  • Bayesian statistical modelling
  • Machine learning algorithms
  • Database design and implementation


Keiwan Wind

Keiwan Wind

President and co-founder
For me, everything begins with imagining the possibilities and then sharing my dreams with others and inviting them to change the existing situation. My trilogy of verbs is imagine-share-change. I am a researcher at the University of Toronto, where I try to combine and repurpose my old habits of design thinking, agile development, data science, social network analysis, system dynamics, business planning, and strategic management into innovative resources to study what causes health and how to make it a pandemic.
Farimah Zadeh

Farimah Zadeh

Vice President and co-founder
I am an assistant professor at York University, an engineer by training, have an MBA, and have received my Ph.D. in Management from DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University. I am passionate about joining forces to tackle wicked problems and therefore love getting involved in multidisciplinary action-oriented evidence-based research. I am working on issues of health, happiness, and wellbeing of workers.


Our clients

Contact Us

(416) 828-8448

40 Scollard Street
Toronto, ON, Canada
M5R 3S1

Drop Us a Message.